In the last post we talked about the different types and causes of acne. In this post we are going to talk about some common myths and actual facts about acne that will help you learn how to manage your acne more effectively.
While acne can be a struggle at any age, teenagers tend to be the most vulnerable to the physical and emotional impact of acne. During our teenage years we are still forming, growing, and our hormones are running wild as we move into adulthood many of us still suffer from acne and the emotional toll it can take on us. What makes suffering with acne even worse are the common misconceptions and myths that keep us constantly struggling to control acne breakouts.
Let’s briefly go over a few of the most common myths associated with acne so that you can rent them from your mind and focus on what really works for you.
Excessive washing of affected areas
Many believe that the more they wash their face the fewer breakouts they will have. This is untrue. In fact, over washing can actually irritate your skin and lead to more severe breakouts.
As we have discussed before acne occurs for many different reasons such as a buildup of dead skin cells or harsh irritants on the surface of the skin. While it is important to wash your face regularly, however it
must be done properly using a cleanser especially for acne or mild soap. Try not to wash your face more than twice daily
Picking or popping
Some people just canít wait for their pimples to go away so they take matters into their own hands and pick or pop them, in hopes that they will heal faster. By doing this, the skin becomes vulnerable of infection, scarring, and even more pimples due to the bacteria that gets into the skin while popping the acne pimples out.
Acne only affects teenagers
Acne breakout can occur at any age. As a matter of fact many adult acne sufferers do not experience breakouts until they are in their 30s, 40s or 50s. Adult acne may have several underlying causes including; hormonal imbalances, medications and hereditary factors.
Poor hygiene
Wrong, hygiene doesn’t have anything to do with acne breakouts. Acne is caused by many different factors like hormonal changes, the accumulation of dead skin cells and clogged pores or even hereditary.
Excessive sun exposure or tanning
Sunlight is a wonderful thing and can do great things for our bodies. As humans we actually require a certain amount of exposure to sunlight to stay healthy. While exposure to the sun can kill skin bacteria, that doesn’t mean that it is an alternative for treating acne. In fact, too much exposure to the sun can cause your skin cells to die causing your skin produce more oil which is one of the factors that can lead to breakouts.
Too much junk food
While eating potato chips and excessive amounts of fried food may lead to other types of harmful illnesses, consuming a few french fries, Fritos, chocolate, or other tasty treats will not have much effect on your acne breakouts, unless you are allergic to the food you consume.
No type of diet can completely cure acne but a healthy lifestyle can certainly help you have healthier skin and avoid infections caused by pimples.
Acne is contagious
The most disturbing myth about acne is that it is contagious. This is definitely not true. The bacteria that causes acne is contained by the skin and is not present on the surface.
Stress causes acne
Contrary to popular belief stress does not trigger acne breakouts. However, it can make them worse. Having acne is stressful enough in itself, but during stressful times you may notice that your breakouts become worse. This is due to hormonal fluctuations in your body during times of stress. While learning how to properly manage your stress will not help your acne go away it may help lessen the severity of your breakouts.
Shaving causes breakouts
Shaving does not cause acne. It is perfectly okay to shave even during a breakout. Just make sure that your razor is sterilized, you use a non-comedogenic shaving cream and that you shave very carefully around affected areas as not to irritate your skin even further.
There are many more myths associated with acne. Hopefully today’s issue has helped dispel many of them. When it comes to managing your acne effectively it is important to know the facts. When in doubt it is a good idea to consult a medical professional or visit your dermatologist especially before trying any type of home remedy or over-the-counter medication.
Make sure you look for your next post soon. I will be talking about some simple methods that will help you fight acne before it happens.